Thursday, 25 September 2014

My Promises to My Children

In a busy household with multiple children, it is easy to lose sight of the little things that really matter.
In between the endless, cooking, washing, cleaning and ferrying I confess I am guilty of taking advantage of the quieter moments, when I only have one child to look after, by sitting down with my laptop and a cup of coffee to recover.

A few minutes of Mummy "time out" are important but so is one to one time with each of my children.
I have therefore written a promise below of 3 small things I will endeavour to do with each of them every day.

To C, I promise:
  1. To read you a bedtime story every night
  2. To organise a constructive activity during B's nap time every day you are not at Preschool.
  3. To engage in imaginative play led by you every day
To B, I promise:
  1. To take you to a weekly baby class while C is at Preschool
  2. To get on the floor and play 1 to 1 with you during C's nap time every day.
  3. To sing nursery rhymes and action songs with you every day

They seem such minor things.
They are minor things.
But remembering and making time to do them every day would significantly improve the quality of our home life.
Often the littlest changes make the biggest difference.

Often after they have gone to bed I think about all the fun things we could have done that day had I had my brain in gear or been more organised.
I hope this short, easy to remember list will really help me focus on spending more quality time with each of them rather than just trying to make it through the day.

What 3 promises could you make to your children that would improve the quality of your home life?
I may consider taking this idea further, making 3 promises to both myself and DH.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I so know that guilt once they're in bed and you think- what did we actually do?
    I really like your idea of promises- it makes it all the more manageable.
