Friday, 20 June 2014

Losing The Babyweight - 20lbs Down!

Current Weight: 10st 13.5lbs
Loss This Week: 4.5lbs
Total Loss: 20.5lbs 
BMI: 27.7

I've broken the 11 stone mark!
I'm so pleased!
It really feels like I'm making progress now.
I can really see the difference in the mirror too.
I have 28lbs (2 stone) still to go until I reach my pre IVF/baby weight so still a fair way to go.... but I'm almost half way and I am so motivated right now.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Losing The Babyweight - 6 Weeks On

Oops so I may have forgotten to keep you updated for the past few weeks.
It is still going well...

Current Weight: 11st 4lbs
Loss This Week: 2lbs
Total Loss: 16lbs 
BMI: 28.7 (Overweight.... but no longer Obese!)

My wedding and engagement rings now fit again.
I am starting to be able to fit in clothes I couldn't before (although it will be a long time until I can fit in my pre babies clothes). 
I am also starting to be able to see a difference when I look in the mirror.
My next mini goal is to get under 11 stone.
I am hoping I might manage that by the end of the month.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Not a Good Day

Today is not turning out to be a good day.
The culmination of a week of no sleep due to baby B still being really congested from his cold last week is taking its toll.
I am exhausted.
I have no energy for parenting.
I am being a rubbish mummy.

In The Night Garden Live at the O2

Monday was my 32nd Birthday.
As my birthday "treat" we went as a family to see In The Night Garden Live at the O2.

We booked the tickets earlier in the year and chose the date for a variety of reasons.
Always on the look out for a bargain, cheaper babe-in-arms tickets are available for babies under 6 months.
Baby B would be 6 months old on the Tuesday therefore we needed to go before then for him to be entitled to a half price ticket!
Last week was half term and therefore in our opinion potentially busier.
This therefore left us with 1 date.... which just also happened to be my birthday.