It is less than a week now until my 20 week scan. First and foremost I hope I am told that
everything is well with my baby.
Secondly I hope to find out if the baby is a girl or a boy.
This week hubby and I have vaguely begun
discussing names. Nothing too formalised
yet as there is still a long way to go but just checking we were both on the
same page.
During my first pregnancy we were pretty decided on a boy’s
name but when we found out we were expecting a girl, a name proved more
complicated. I like vintage names and
names that have a family connection. I
love the idea of a name being passed down through the generations. Unfortunately this is something that has
never happened in my family with girls and none of the individual names jumped
out of me. I therefore started to look
at my husband’s family tree. It was here
I came across the name Adelaide being passed down the female line. I know someone who recently named their
daughter Adelaide and have always thought it a beautiful name and a family
connection over many generations made it perfect. The only problem was my first name begins
with A and I definitely did not want any of my children to have the same
initial as me having seen the confusion it caused in other families. This therefore left the option of having
Adelaide as a middle name. I started looking
at girls names that would work with it…..